Check out another great Beyond the Field event a week from today, Wednesday March 8th at 7pm!
Registration Link:
Our speakers for the evening!
There will be a Beyond the Field event on December 7th at 7PM. This Beyond the Field roundtable conversation will discuss FIFA and Human Rights - From Qatar 2022 to USA 2026. #BTF
Link to register:
Beyond the Field event tonight at 7PM. This Beyond the Field roundtable conversation will discuss Mental Health and Healing in/through Sport. #BTF
Registration link:
Join us this Saturday April 30th to celebrate the end of the semester!

What’s the IOC – and Why Doesn’t It Do More About Human Rights Issues Related to the Olympics?
Is the IOC neutral and apolitical? Well, it depends on whom you ask.
[Read More]Race, Politics and Sports with Doug Glanville
CT Mirror highlights current ESPN analyst and Sport Management Adjunct Professor Doug Glanville joins John Dankosky for a conversation on the role of sports in today’s social justice movement.
[Read More]Jamelle Elliott Returns to UConn, Rediscovers Passion for Coaching
CT Post mentions Sport Management alumna and WBB assistant coach Jamelle Elliott.
[Read More]Gender Barriers in Sport
WISP quotes Dr. Jennifer McGarry on career paths as a coach and athletics director given her research related to gender and sport in a ‘conversation from the world of women in sports’ podcast.
[Read More]Glanville Opens Up About Race, Sports, and His New Career
Sport Management’s Doug Glanville featured in Kiplinger
[Read More]Q&A: Glanville Brings Major League Experience to UConn
UConn Today talks sports and teaching with former MLB player, Doug Glanville.
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