Alumni “SportStory”: Tim Moriarty
As a part of a new series, we turn the spotlight on members of the UConn Sport Management Program (SMP) Alumni Community, focusing on the diversity of experience and breadth of knowledge they have gained within the industry. Designed to help current and future SMP students learn to navigate and understand the real-world intricacies of sport management, we thank SMP alumni for their valuable contributions and insight. Today, Tim Moriarty (M.A. in Sport Management, UConn 1993), shares a “SportStory” about managing a crisis and improving operational plans from the experience.

While doing my pre-game walk around prior to the start of a men’s basketball game at Gampel Pavilion, a fan flagged me down with a medical emergency. When I arrived at the person’s seat, I discovered that he was in serious distress, turning blue and appearing to have a hard time breathing. I radioed down the floor to another colleague who was next to the team doctor, who came up along with the paramedics to provide aid. Before it was over, I had to run to the doctor’s office in the building to retrieve the defibrillator kit while they performed CPR.
Thankfully, the man survived, and after this incident we decided to change the locations of where EMT/firefighters were stationed during games, in order to improve the potential medical response time for spectators. The experience taught me that during an event you have to be prepared for anything and be able to adjust on the fly; afterwards, it’s important to learn from your experiences and take corrective action.